Description of the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov “Boyaris (1884)”
Vasnetsov was one of the most famous artists of the nineteenth century. He received the nickname “hero of Russian painting,” and one of the first began to depict scenes based on epics and fairy tales. Reproductions of his paintings began to decorate textbooks, candy boxes and other items. Most often, these were such paintings as “Ivan the Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “The Heroes”, “Alyonushka”. He was a true master of Russian painting, interested in not only the easel painting, but also other branches of art, from illustration to architecture.
This picture depicts Mamontov’s hawthorn. The pensive look of black eyes captivates with its beauty, revealing the deep inner world of the heroine. She is cold and restrained, which emphasizes her noble origin and adds to the girl areola of mystery. The heroine of the canvas is dressed in a luxurious robe of gently pink color. Under the scarf one can see a blouse embroidered with gold threads. Her hand is decorated with numerous rings, indicating a high position in society. The artist’s love of monumentality is also felt in this portrait, radiating incredible strength, and at the same time, softness.
Vasily Vasnetsov was very fond of his people, describing the Russian peasants with whom he had to live in the village with enthusiasm. His love for his native land and confidence in his own purpose helped the artist to choose his own path, which led him to glory. “The affairs of bygone days, the stories of old times deep” come to life in his magnificent paintings, immersing them in the mysterious atmosphere of tales and legends. He became the pioneer of the world of folk poetry, drawing inspiration from it and devoting his work to this genre. His excellent paintings allow you to experience the depth of the soul and the true wisdom of the Russian people.

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