Description of the painting by Paul Cezanne “Still Life with Fruit”
Paul Cezanne was not only a skilled portrait painter, but also perfectly mastered the art of still life. In his picture, fruits look unreal like toys. The viewer sees the apples “posed”. What a vase is made of is also not known: glass or crystal. In the days of the artist’s life, the purpose of the paintings was to catch the process of changing nature.
The naturalness and reality of the described did not matter. That is why the landscape was chosen, which is transformed during the day.
The colors for their creativity were chosen pure and bright. Dark color was considered negative, overwhelming for people. The artist sought to convey the scientific side of things through art. It is precisely the combination of the physical and the spiritual that should cause the contemplator to be interested in the world, examining it from various sides.
Cezanne set himself the task of recreating the world in the
The objects located in the picture seem to be of the same density, but this does not seem strange. Such a decision is logical and preserves the symbolism of not a dead nature, but alive. The composition and perspective of a still life allows us to consider the canvas with its own special approach from different sides.
The color spectrum smoothly changes from dark to light shade, creating the impression of a cyclical nature of life, which blooms from the right, and is preparing to fade from left. Only white flowers help to reach for the light. Lively shades create a joyful mood and leave a pleasant impression of the picture. It is balanced and harmonious, given that the shades used are difficult to use.

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