Description of the painting by Leon (Lev) Bakst “Young Booth”
Leon Bakst created a sketch of the costume “A Young Beetian” for N. N. Cherepnin’s ballet performance “Narcissus” in 1911. The work was done in pencil and watercolor on paper.
In the dance movement, a young dancer bursts into the canvas, filling the whole space with his energy and with his energy. Flexible lines, soft wide pencil trail and shadow drawing emphasize the rhythm and flight of the ancient Greek. Excellent characterize the image of the words of the poet Vladimir Kotovsky: “The incarnation of the heavenly vortex.”
The main hero of the sketch is a young Boetian, however, in the picture only his body is visible, not completely covered with clothes. The face is hidden. The spectator freezes in anticipation – a moment more and the dancer will turn around to him, open his inspired face, but he, turning, already after a second flies away again, leaving behind him the energy of
The clothes look completely different. Its outline is highlighted with thin, clear lines. There are no shadows at all, the color pattern is very clear, every detail has its own borders, the image is flat. The magic of the ornament of clothes repeats and visually enhances the rhythm of the dance.
The combination of green, olive, dark brown colors on a light surface gives the picture a sense of clarity, lightness and harmony.
The work used ornamental elements, felt the influence of art of ancient Greece.
Currently, the picture is stored in the collection of Nikita and Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky in London. According to another version – in the museum of avant-garde art – MAGMA.

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