Description of the painting by Yacek Yerka “Erosion”

Description of the painting by Yacek Yerka Erosion

Ya. Yerka worked in the style of neosurrealism, his works are unusual, reveal a new view of reality and often combine several realities into one picture.

Contemplating the list of paintings by this artist, you can understand and, more fully, realize the meaning of his works. A painter creates whole universes, but still so clear to the contemplator. His paintings are unusual, although filled with a share of reality.

The work “Erosion” conveys a deep philosophical meaning, contemplating this work, everyone will find their own idea, but it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to this work. The painter depicted life as it is. This is a set of roads with a crossroads, endless intersections. Roads to infinity.

On the path of life, you can find a haven, but at what point to stop, only the walking person decides. The road can cross the road of another walking, you can continue along the path of life and not alone.

The artist showed that everyone can choose their own turn. But to be happy, you only have to look around, the trees along the road symbolize life. Many homes say that many have stopped. They chose life without a difficult and long journey.

The name of the picture speaks of destruction. Each of us chooses what destroys him, and maybe, having gone this long way, someone destroys someone? Perhaps, the erosion itself looks exactly like this and represents the endless intersection of the vital arteries leading to infinity.

There is a movement, when contemplating there is an interest to learn what is there, beyond the horizon, away. But is it worth spending so much energy to overcome this part of the way? Everyone decides for himself. In order to understand the true semantic loads of this work, it is necessary to look through the entire cycle of the artist’s paintings.

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Description of the painting by Yacek Yerka “Erosion”