Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Autumn. The road to the village “

Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan Autumn. The road to the village

Today Isaac Levitan is rightly called not just a painter, but a master of Russian landscapes. He managed to love her in all sorts of variations (both flourishing and impoverished). Therefore, such a miserable, inconspicuous and sad landscape is captured on the canvas “Road to the Village.”

The author wrote the autumn landscape in the period, sad and sad. At this time, everything around it fades, in nature prevails nondescript, gray and dark colors. The master with such accuracy managed to convey this mood, using only shades of faded and completely nondescript. They can simply be called dark gray. Before us is late autumn, cloudy weather. All the leaves have long fallen. Dirt country road thoroughly blurred by rain. It becomes sad and miserable at heart when you look at it and imagine how difficult it is to move even horses in such dirt, not to mention a man.

The road to the canvas begins in the center, immediately

in the foreground, and, wriggling a little, goes somewhere far away. On the sides of the bushes preserved dry grass. And it looks quite bright against the background of dull autumn gray. The black strip of the road divides the lower part of the canvas almost in half. To the right of its edge is a large puddle with incredibly clear water. The artist also emphasized its mirror effect (a classic technique for many authors). Nearby are two large trees on which there are no leaves at all, therefore they look quite helpless. But these vertical trunks Levitan marked the vertical perspective of the picture.

On both sides of the road are hut peasants, who, like nature, look pathetic, inconspicuous and pathetic. Living on the canvas, only one crow, she lurked on a thin branch. A large part of the canvas is occupied by the autumn sky, dull, dull and hopelessly gray. Bright blue strip only thin at the horizon. Soon the snow will fall and will cover the tired land: everything around will shine brilliantly. Sadness and sadness, along with an incredible love for hidden places, are present in every stroke of this canvas.

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Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Autumn. The road to the village “