Description of the painting by Vincent Willem Van Gogh “Church in Auvers”

Description of the painting by Vincent Willem Van Gogh Church in Auvers


This picture is one of the last works of the artist, painted in oil on canvas. In 1890, Van Gogh settled in the outskirts of Paris, in the village of Auvers, in which he lived the last two months of his life. At this time, and he created this work of art.

The main place on the landscape is occupied by the church building, drawn very clearly and believably. This can be judged by real photographs of this church. Van Gogh draws every window, every arrow and turret on the roof. He even depicts a lattice pattern on the windows of the church. Such a structural and detailed lighting of the building indicates its proximity to this place, repeated visits to it, and memorizing all the details of the construction.

Another detail in the foreground of the picture is the road to the church, which forks and girds the temple on each side. On the road you can see the silhouette of a woman going to prayer. Her image is shown by the

artist rather schematically, inconspicuously and without focusing on it. Also, a lot of space on the canvas is occupied by the image of grass and flowers in it, which surround the road and grow along the entire front edge of the church.

As always, Van Gogh made his picture extraordinarily bright and saturated. The sky is shown in bright blue, just cobalt colors. Saturated and dark sky gives the picture some unnaturalness, causes a feeling of incorrect lighting. But at the same time makes the landscape complete and extremely colorful.

The church is shown in a combination of blue, yellow, brown, orange, green and blue tones. Just an incredible riot of colors for the quiet modest building of the monastery of God. The grass and flowers around the church shine with a palette from light green to marsh color, interspersed with blue and white strokes of the author. The road is full of yellow, brown and orange.

The overall impression of the picture is very mixed. Pleases the riot of colors and saturation of colors, but a little clouded the joy of some unnatural landscape.

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Description of the painting by Vincent Willem Van Gogh “Church in Auvers”