Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Grass”

Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin Grass

Shishkin loved to paint landscapes. But a special feature of the artist was that he tried to diversify each of his paintings, to submit it from a completely new perspective, so that the viewer would not get bored, considering a number of canvases about nature. Indeed, some people get bored when viewing canvases with images of trees or plants, but how this is possible, because it is nature that is the perfection that a person can never achieve. Nature is not made by hands, which means it is perfect.

As for this painting exclusively, it is interesting to the viewer by the fact that Shishkin decided to paint herbs close up. This technique is familiar to modern man thanks to the macro technology, which allows fixing the slightest gleams on a dew drop, but what was known about it in the distant 19th century? Nothing. The artist was led by a desire to capture a beautiful moment in the life of nature, and he succeeded. Shishkin draws thick grass in all details, without leaving a small stalk out of view, so as not to get a blurry spot, which can only be viewed from a distance of a few meters, but a real enlarged version of a grass bush. The fern leaves, which have just blossomed out, as if under a timid touch of the artist’s hand, are perfectly complemented by thin blades of grass that are on either side of them.

Surprisingly, the artist painted literally every small detail. We can clearly see the seeds of flowers, small flowers, like small peas. But the artist deliberately left the background blurred in order to focus the viewer’s attention on what is happening close in front of him. The picture looks rich, bright and compositionally complete.

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Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Grass”