Description of the painting by Vasily Vereshchagin “After failure”

Vasily Vereshchagin loved to travel, and almost all the time he was traveling. During his life he managed to visit several dozen countries. Among them are the USA, and China, and many regions of

Description of the painting by Jan Vermeer “Thrush”

Painting by Jan Vermeer “The Milkmaid” cannot leave indifferent a fine connoisseur of art. On the one hand – this is the usual captured scene from real life. The girl pours milk in a

Illustration for the epic “Volga” by Ivan Bilibin

Bilibin constantly to illustrate all sorts of epics and legends. “Illustration to the epic by Volga” is made in an ornamental graphic-decorative design, which is completely based on the motifs of the epics and

Description of the painting by Titian Vecellio “Dinarius Caesar”

Titian created his grand canvas specifically for Ferrara Alfons dʻEste. The customer himself suggested the plot of this creation. At this time there was a struggle with the popes, and for her the slogan

Description of the painting by Salvador Dali “Woman with a head of roses”

There are a lot of symbols in the picture, and it is also filled with the artist’s fears and expectations at the same time. The background of the canvas is the sky in the

Description of the painting by Paolo Veronese “The Triumph of Venice”

The oval-shaped canvas adorns the ceiling of the Great Council Hall in the Dodge Palace in Venice. On the creation of the picture took about 5 years. The exact date of writing is unknown,

Description of the sculpture by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini “The Fountain of the Four Rivers”

One of the most magnificent creations of Bernini is located in Rome in Piazza Navona. In the center is the obelisk (although it is pseudo-Egyptian and is not related to the sculpture of the

Description of the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci “Madonna with a Carnation”

Madonna with a flower by Leonardo Da Vinci portrayed at a young age. At this time, his paintings were influenced by the work of Verrocchio, who was his teacher. This is the first independent

Description of the painting by Paolo Veronese “Lamentation of Christ”

The visual art of the time of the Renaissance speaks of a complete spiritual change in popular traditions. Another time comes when some things cease to be relevant, and some gain public recognition. Thus,

Description of the painting by Mikhail Vrubel “Demon sitting”

All paintings by M. Vrubel are created in a mysterious and fabulous atmosphere. Especially his Demons… In 1891 M. Vrubel painted 30 illustrations for the new jubilee edition of the works of the Russian
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