Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh “The road with cypresses and a star”

The picture “Road with cypresses and a star” Vincent Van Gogh wrote already in a madhouse in the vicinity of Saint-Remy. It was the last year of his life, when periods of madness were

Description of the painting by Salvador Dali “Anthropomorphic bread”

Salvador Dali surrealist, who once stirred the minds of the people of his time. But even today, contemporaries argue about the meaning of his paintings and try to unravel the insane personality of the

Description of the painting by Ilya Glazunov “One Hundred Ages”

Ilya Glazunov is a modern Russian artist, public figure. The painful fate of the artist (his parents and all his closest relatives died in Leningrad during the blockade, when the boy was only 11

Description of the painting by Fyodor Vasilyev “Before the storm”

Vasiliev is a wonderful landscape painter who has created many works. His paintings are distinguished by lyricism and lightness. Probably the favorite storyline of the painter is a thunderstorm. He has especially many dramatic

Description of the painting by Sandro Botticelli “Flora”

“Flora” is a fragment of the famous canvas called “Spring”, which was created by Botticelli in 1482. The source of inspiration for the painter was the works of Roman literature – the poems of

Albrecht Altdorfer’s painting “The Battle of Alexander the Great with Darius”

1529 The grand battle is depicted in oil on canvas by a no less ambitious artist. It took Altdorfer not much time to create this masterpiece, as one might imagine looking at the picture.

Description of the painting by Dmitry Zhilinsky “Gymnasts of the USSR” (1964-1965)

Group portrait “Gymnasts of the USSR” was made by Dmitry Zhilinsky in the period 1964-1965. The work of the artist is a decorative and monumental image in which the principles of depth and flatness

Description of the painting by Apollinaris Vasnetsov “Motherland”

At first glance, it may seem that Vasnetsov depicted a completely unattractive picture of nature. But it is precisely this picture that has become a serious application for the image of the image of

Description of the painting by Alexander Ivanov “Vetka”

Alexander Ivanov was an amazingly diverse artist. It so happened that he is known to a wide circle of people, first of all, for his masterpieces on biblical themes. But the work of Ivanov

Description of the painting by Jacques Louis David “Antiochus and Stratonika”

David is a French artist, a representative of neoclassicism – revolutionary classicism, which does not reject the old canons, but reinterprets them in its own way. Neoclassicists believed that the artist should not just
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