Description of the painting by Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky “Oral score”

Description of the painting by Nikolai Bogdanov Belsky Oral score

The famous Russian artist Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky wrote a unique and incredibly vital history in 1895. The work is called “Oral Account”, and in the full version “Oral Account. In the folk school of S. A. Rachinsky.

The picture is painted in oil on canvas; it depicts a rural school of the 19th century during an arithmetic lesson. Schoolchildren solve an interesting and challenging example. They are deep in thought and looking for the right solution. Someone thinks at the blackboard, someone stands aside and tries to compare the knowledge that will help in solving the problem. Children are completely absorbed in the search for the answer to the question, they want to prove to themselves and the world that they can do it.

Nearby is a teacher, the prototype of which is Rachinsky himself – the famous botanist and mathematician. No wonder the picture was given such a name, it is in honor of the professor

at Moscow University. The canvas depicts 11 people of children and only one boy quietly whispers to the teacher in the ear, perhaps the correct answer.

The painting depicts a simple Russian class, children are dressed in peasant clothes: sandals, pants and shirts. All this very harmoniously and succinctly fits into the plot, unobtrusively bringing to the world the craving for knowledge from the side of the simple Russian people.

Warm colors bring kindness and simplicity to the Russian people, there is no envy and falsehood, no evil and hatred, children from different families with different incomes come together to make the only right decision. This is very lacking in our modern life, where people are accustomed to living in a completely different way, regardless of the opinions of others.

Nikolai Petrovich dedicated the picture to his teacher, the great genius of mathematics, whom he knew and respected. Now the picture is in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery, you will be there, be sure to take a look at the pen of the great master.

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Description of the painting by Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky “Oral score”