Description of Peter Bruegel’s painting “The Parable of the Blind” (The Blind Lead the Blind)
The painting was written in 1568. Today it is located in the Capodimonte Museum in Naples. The one who happened to read Charles Le Coster’s wonderful novel “The Legend of Thiel Eulenspiegel,” probably knows
Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel “Land of lazy”
Bruegel was a master of satire. In his works more than once it was possible to meet a hidden chuckle in relation to the Dutch society. So, Bruegel’s picture “The Country of Lazy People”
Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel “The Tower of Babel”
Bruegel P. Elder Tower of Babel. The painting was written in 1563, it is stored in Vienna, in the Museum of Art History. Researchers managed to find out that the canonical text of the
Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel “The Battle of Shrovetide and Lent”
Peter Bruegel in his picture titled “The Battle of the Maslenitsa and the Fast” personifies a kind of theatrical genre, which is called farcical. The picture has the following preface and plot – we
Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel “Wedding Dance”
There are several variants of the “Wedding Dance”, but this one, due to the level of painting technique, is considered the best. The picture illustrates the fun that prevails among the 125 guests of
Description of Peter Bruegel’s The Fall of the Angels
Bruegel created this canvas under the influence of another artist Bosch. In fact, a little parodied it. As you know, Bosch frightened everything – his faces were ugly, the monsters were scary, everything was
Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel “Peasant Dance”
The whole of the XVI, and then the XVIIth state of the Netherlands shook revolutions and peasant uprisings. In this difficult time, one of the masterpieces of northern art appears – Peter Bruegel’s painting
Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel “Carrying the Cross (Procession on Calvary)”
The picture was painted on a blackboard in 1564. One of the sixteen paintings by Bruegel, which in 1566 was included in the inventory list of the collector from Antwerp Niklas Jonhelink. The picture
Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel “Children’s Games”
The elements of urban life – the central composition in the work of Peter Bruegel. On the canvas “Children’s Games” depicts a street littered with children who are fooling around and playing. The picture
Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel “Mad Greta”
One of the most terrible pictures of Bruegel. The horror of this picture can be somewhat explained by the incomprehensibility of this canvas and all the events taking place on it. If we consider