Eugene Delacroix painting “Self-portrait”

Eugene Delacroix painting Self portrait

Eugene Delacroix is a French painter and graphic artist. It is he who is considered the founder of the romantic trend in European painting. His coloristic research had a significant impact on the formation of impressionism.
Eugene Delacroix studied art skills from old masters in the Louvre. He was inspired by the art of English painters, especially the works of J. Consible. A great influence on the formation of his own style was the work of T. Gericault. In the period from 1816 to 1822 he studied in Paris with the classicist Geren.
Delacroix was a multifaceted talent that showed itself in a huge number of genres. Among his works are works of monumental decorative painting, landscapes, images of animals and various interiors, as well as portraits.
In 1860, the artist painted himself on canvas. Self-portraits are common and, at the same time, quite an interesting genre in the visual arts. On the canvas, the master seeks through a visual image to reflect how he himself perceives his “I”. Thanks to this, we can not only imagine how the master looked, but also better understand his inner world.
In this early self-portrait, Delacroix masterfully reflects not only the features of her appearance, but also her character traits. In the portrait, he appears thoughtful, calm and a little tired, a little ironic look straight at the viewer. The artist’s smile at first glance may seem arrogant, but it is worth looking more closely at the expression on his face, and strong sadness becomes obvious, as if Delacroix is eager to stop posing for himself as soon as possible.

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Eugene Delacroix painting “Self-portrait”