Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh “Red vineyards in Arles”

Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh Red vineyards in Arles

Subsequently, the great, and during his life the artist Vincent Van Gogh, who was not at all appreciated by his compatriots, sold only one painting, its value was 400 francs, which was a fortune for a poor beggar artist. The sold picture had an intriguing name – “Red Vineyards in Arles” and today the price of this canvas exceeds $ 90 million.

The history of the picture is as follows:

Not at all taking advantage of the critics and the local public, Vah Gogh did not despair, but continued to paint the picture after the picture, in the hope that the next canvas would bring good luck and glory. But this did not happen and the canvases were accumulated in his poor apartment, but he drew everything, and preferred to paint from life, quite rightly believing that after coming home many paints would be erased from memory and it would be difficult to restore them.

Once, in the year 1888, Van Gogh, as usual, went

to draw on nature, he returned, he was only in the evening, because his driver was in no hurry to come for him. And when the cart still rolled towards the house, Van Gogh suddenly saw the setting sun, which illuminated the nearest vineyard with its rays, turning the vine leaves into a raging red flame, and the people and the earth around into purple and blue dots. The sky has become completely yellow.

Immediately ordering the driver to stop the horse, the artist got off the cart and began to paint the landscape, trying to capture the moment that struck his imagination. Thus was born the painting “Red Vineyards in Arles”. Critics and people who are not interested in the work of the artist sought to ridicule this picture, to say that everything is unnatural on it, although it can be more beautiful and natural than simple peasant labor in the rays of an evening sunset.

In the picture from the sun emanate green and yellow highlights, which turn the leaves of the grapes in the foreground of the picture into a crimson glow. The earth becomes black, almost purple, as the artist’s eyes saw. For those who continue to argue that this is unnatural, sometimes you just need to get out of the house and watch the sunset, which gives everyone around them a unique magic.

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Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh “Red vineyards in Arles”