Description of the painting by Victor Vasnetsov “The Foundation of Moscow”

Description of the painting by Victor Vasnetsov The Foundation of Moscow

As for Vasnetsov, in fact it can be called one of the founders of such a technique as the historical landscape. The artist carried out such orders for the old Moscow on the order of one museum.

Before proceeding to the drawing of the next masterpiece, Vasnetsov conducted very serious research, thanks to which it was possible to recreate every inch of the painting with maximum precision. Exact compliance with scientific material was a condition when writing the next picture.

The “founding of Moscow” is also striking in its authenticity. In the work, one can see the first walls of the Kremlin, which at that time, naturally, was made of wooden bars. The picture shows how several men dig ditches, for the installation of a paling, as the princes and boyars arrived at that time, for instructions and control of the work done. For some, it may seem surprising that at first a church is built, and later the city is overgrown with it, but in fact at that time, that was exactly the case.

Thanks to his talent, Vasnetsov was able to perfectly combine, accurate historical data, together with the delicate perfection of the brush. This picture, like many others, was later confirmed by historical studies of a later period.

In the distance one can see a small settlement and several tall trees, presumably coniferous. The picture is dominated by bright colors, due to the fact that the outfits of the boyars and princes were made in historical accordance. It is seen how all people with attention and interest look at dignitaries.

A large number of green shades suggests that the artist is able to work well with their shades, thus emphasizing where it is necessary yellowed grass or different types of trees.

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Description of the painting by Victor Vasnetsov “The Foundation of Moscow”