Description of the painting by Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky “Oral score”

The famous Russian artist Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky wrote a unique and incredibly vital history in 1895. The work is called “Oral Account”, and in the full version “Oral Account. In the folk school of

Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky “Frigate under sail”

The works of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky are truly precious heritage of Russian painting and culture. The whole life of the greatest marine painter is like a chain of wonderful acquaintances and events that allowed

Description of the sculpture of Mark Antokolsky “Mephistopheles”

The famous sculptor worked on his sculpture for several years. He began work in 1874, which led simultaneously with the image of Christ. In 1879, Antakolsky creates a bust, which later imposes several sketches,

Description of the painting by Titian “Introduction of Mary to the temple”

In the creative way of Titian’s work “The Introduction of Mary to the Temple” occupies a special place. This picture links two completely different periods in the work of the painter. Another masterpiece of

Description of the painting by Efim Volkov “At the end of winter”

The famous Russian artist Efim Volkov loved to depict nature in all its beauty. He painted landscapes of the Middle East and the Crimea, but his heart was given to the nature of central

Description of the painting by Isaac Drize “Behind the book”

I. Dreeze – a bright representative of the classical school of Russian painting. He painted many portraits of famous people of his time, but became more famous for his landscapes and still lifes. In

Description of the painting by Alexander Deineka “At the construction site of new workshops”

The painting “At the construction site of new workshops” was created in the era of economic growth and industrialization of the country of the Soviets. Alexander Deineka was fascinated by the idea of the

Description of the painting by Francisco de Goya “Dressed Maha”

The most famous work of the artist – “Mach dressed.” Many argue about who was the model with which this famous painting. Some say that before us is the Duchess of Alba. But today,

Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky “Foggy Morning”

The great Russian artist Ivan Aivazovsky was born and grew up in the Crimea, and from an early age, he loved to see the sea in all its manifestations, considered it something native. Romantic

Description of the painting by Salvador Dali “Loneliness”

Work on the painting “Loneliness” lasted for several months. In 1931 she was represented at the exhibition, organized in honor of the creative work of Salvador Dali. This picture has a rich biography, it
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