Description of the painting by Paul Gauguin “Night cafe in Arles”

During his stay in the south of France, in Arles, Gauguin created several worthwhile works. He came here after inviting Van Gogh. This creative duet of famous artists gave the world similar paintings. The

Description of the painting by Mark Antokolsky “Nestor the Chronicler”

The work on the sculpture was completed in 1890 and made in a realistic manner. Chronicler, depicted sitting at the table. His head is slightly tilted, and the figure is natural. The look expresses

Description of the painting by Mikhail Vrubel “Muse”

The whole life of the artist was accompanied, in fact, by one woman – Nina Zabela, his wife. This statement can be safely applied to the work of Vrubel. No matter what women’s heroines

Description of the painting by Efim Volkova “In the forest. In the spring “

Here it is, all breathing, healed, swaying, and finally woke up after the long winter months of fierce cold, a large cover of snow and constant storms. Revives father-forest! Begins quietly to gain its

Description of the painting by Victor Vasnetsov “Book shop”

Vasnetsov is known to many as an artist who praises images from fairy tales and legends. But there is in his work and pictures of a different genre. For example, “Book shop”. This picture

Description of the painting by Paolo Veronese “The Conversion of Saul”

In the visual art of the XVI century – the time of the decline of the Renaissance – the topic of complete spiritual change was very popular. After the hymn of the Renaissance hymn

Description of the painting by Eugene Delacroix “The Massacre at Chios”

The Delacroix picture reflects one of the tragic episodes in the history of Greece. One day in September 1821, Turkish troops invaded the island of Chios, in the Aegean Sea. In retaliation for the

Description of the painting by Firs Zhuravleva “Guess who came…”

That’s about who they forgot, so forgot. Yes, this at one time a very popular painter was actually forgotten, and he already would have sunk into oblivion. If only recently staff of the Tretyakov

Description of the triptych by Hieronymus Bosch “The Last Judgment”

Bosch’s “Last Judgment” is one of his most impressive works, as well as one of the most impressive works on this subject in general. It was commissioned by the governor of the Netherlands and

Description of the painting by Edgar Degas “Dance Lesson”

Grace, beauty and sophistication – that’s what comes through in all the paintings of Edgar Degas, dedicated to ballet. The master of painting painted ballet dancers in different techniques, and everything can be seen
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