Poussin Nicolas
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “The generosity of Scipio”
Nicolas Poussin is a prominent representative of the era of classicism. His paintings are filled with deep meaning, conveying the main emotions of the depicted heroes. The painting “The generosity of Scipio” was written
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Self-portrait”
The painting was written by the founder of such a trend in painting as classicism, in 1649. Nicolas Poussin was famous for his ability to reveal the themes of the modern era for him,
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Death of Germanicus”
Nicolas Poussin with his work shows us the last minutes of Germanicus – the Roman commander and future emperor. As the son of Tiberius, he had a high influence, as well as all the
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Narcissus and Echo”
The painting entitled Narcissus and Echo, created by the artist Poussin, evokes rather contradictory and sometimes repulsive emotions among those who look at it. But ultimately, this work makes a person think about how
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Tancred and Herminia”
Poussin really attracted the works of the famous poet Torquato Tasso. He was captured by the maximum confusion of the plot and wonderful adventures. A number of canvases by the artist are written under
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Bacchanalia”
A bright, colorful painting by Nicolas Poussin “Bacchanalia”, remembered by his images, written in the romantic-mythological style, is now in the London Art Gallery. The main characters of this wonderful painting are young, carefree
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Rinaldo and Armida”
The name of Nicolas Poussin is not in vain firmly fixed with the concept of “classicism”. It was this French artist who was the founder, the main representative of the painting in this area,
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “The Descent from the Cross”
Nicolas Poussin – a representative of French classicism of the 17th century. From early childhood, he loved to draw. His love for biblical scenes went from the local painter Varen, who wrote several paintings
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “The Abduction of the Sabine Women (1638)”
According to Roman historians, only men lived in Rome. The tribes living in the neighborhood did not want to give up their daughters for the ordinary poor. Then one of the founders of Rome
Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Dance to the music of time”
French artist Poussin often turned to the themes of mythology. In Rome, an outstanding work was written with the philosophical title “Dance to the Music of Time”. The approximate time of creation of the