Description of the painting by Sergei Gerasimov “Church of the Intercession on the Nerl”

Description of the painting by Sergei Gerasimov Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

The church, which was depicted more than once by great artists on canvases, is one of the greatest monuments of ancient Russian architecture – the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

Not paid attention to this church and the famous Russian painter – Sergei Gerasimov. He was not so much interested in the architectural formulation of the building, as in the terrain, landscape that surrounded it.

Despite the fact that the landscape painter pays more attention to the landscape, we can consider the grandeur and loneliness of the structure, plunge into an era when the Christian faith was just getting on its feet. Positive emotions smoothly and gradually win the mind of the viewer. Everyone is sure that he is sinless, and looking at the temple, I want to believe in it even more. When you look at this architectural monument, you want people to remember what is holy for them in this life and meaningful. So that they will

not leave faith. Erected by human hands, the temple is immersed in greenery and sunlight. Everything seems to happen in the world precisely for this symbol of holiness.

Due to the fact that the temple is located in the center, against the backdrop of nature, it seems as if he alone is drawn, there is nothing else. The subtlety of the lines of the structure, the white stone from which the walls are made and the endless expanses of Russia simply tirelessly delight those who honor art. As if examining native spaces, the temple stands on a hill, proudly and with a magnificent bearing, the golden dome overshadows the sun.

There is a flaw in the picture, but it is so obvious that it seems as though the artist himself wanted it. Incorrectly reflected the temple on the water. A woman with a child walks on the opposite bank as a symbol of purity and holiness. Then there were meadows and fields, huge trees, Mother Russia…

Not only from this, but also from other paintings Gerasimov breathes serenity, peacefulness, cleanliness and aesthetic scope.

In writing the paintings used soft colors and bright, warm colors.

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Description of the painting by Sergei Gerasimov “Church of the Intercession on the Nerl”