Description of the painting by Sandro Botticelli “Portrait of a young man”

Description of the painting by Sandro Botticelli Portrait of a young man

The painting “Portrait of a Young Man” was made by Sandro Botticelli with tempera and oil paints on a tree approximately in 1483.

Genre – portrait.

The full-face portrait depicts a young youth with a pleasant, dreamy face, large, expressive brown eyes. Direct and open look attracts attention. There is not a shadow of doubt, fear, embarrassment or irritation. Freedom is seen through a fully open face. There is an impression that the person being portrayed is absolutely calm about the fact that the viewer will consider it and try to catch every movement of the soul, be it a dream or disappointment. Perhaps there is even some deliberate demonstrativeness in the image.

Perfectly traced eyebrows, nose and plump, slightly asymmetrical lips.

The color of eyes and hair, free waves descending on the shoulders, is in harmony with the color of the tunic. On the head is a red beret.

Portrayed is presented

on a dark background.

The image of a man in full face was very unusual for Italian painting of the XV century. Usually portrayed painted in profile or three-quarters. Another feature of the portrait is an attempt to convey the inner world of the young man, his experiences and anxieties. The mirror of the soul, of course, the eyes. They are alive, filled with some disappointment and resentment. This impression is complemented by the lowered corners of a tightly closed mouth in some obstinate gust.

Wonderful cut-off pattern and rich colors make the contours softer and give the picture volume and depth. The contours are light and the colors are soft and real, which seems to be about, and the young man will come to life.

The image is static. There is not a single detail that would strive to convey the movement, but in this portrait it would probably hinder to see the character and inner state of the young man.

Work is stored in the National Gallery, London.

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Description of the painting by Sandro Botticelli “Portrait of a young man”