Description of the painting by Nicholas Roerich “Himalayas. Pink Mountains

Description of the painting by Nicholas Roerich Himalayas. Pink Mountains

The painting belongs to the mature work of the great Russian artist Nicholas Roerich. Being a man with diverse interests, the master traveled a lot around the world, studying philosophy and religion. One place he loved the most. This place has become a colorful India. Roerich lived there for many years until his death. During the time that he stayed in that exotic country, the artist managed to write a series of works devoted to India.

Most of the creator beckoned mountains. Rocky ridges, high peaks, looking into the endless sky. The canvas depicts the Himalayas – one of the most beautiful mountains on the planet. Millions admire them, but only Roerich managed to embody this admiration on canvas.

It seems that the artist was in the open air. One can imagine that he had climbed the highest mountain for several days and was constantly searching for a suitable view. Found! Having stopped on a steady surface, the artist began to create.

This work is visually divided into three parts. The upper part is the sky. Roerich depicts a practically monotonous sky. There are no clouds, no stars. Solid idyll. The lowest part is clouds or fog. Cuts this lilac smooth mountain range. He breaks into the picture, breaking the sky into two parts.

The mountains are dangerous and cold. Although the title of the work indicates that the mountains are pink, looking at them, you do not feel the heat. This combination of smooth and sharp, broken lines makes the mountains voluminous, makes them stand out, go beyond the canvas. These snow-covered giants catch the eye.

Looking at this job, peace comes. These mountains have stood in their place for many millions of years. They are motionless. Even the sky froze around them. Nothing can disturb these silent witnesses to the creation of the world. The color scheme is cold. But these colors do not repel and do not create a feeling of frost, anxiety.

Description of the painting by Nicholas Roerich “Himalayas. Pink Mountains