Description of the fresco by Michelangelo Buanarroti “The Fall and Exile from Paradise”

Description of the fresco by Michelangelo Buanarroti The Fall and Exile from Paradise

The creation of a mural depicting the fall of mankind from the artist Michelangelo took 3 weeks. Even at night, he worked on his work, and for consecration Michelangelo attached lighted candles to his hat.

The image consists of two parts. In the left part of it, people commit original sin. On the right side of the fresco, Adam and Eve, persecuted by an angel, leave paradise. Spreading tree separates these two episodes. In the scene of temptation, depicted on the left, viewers see the first people in the shadow of the thick foliage of the tree of knowledge. Krona is surrounded by the tempter in the form of a woman with a snake’s tail. Adam and Eve, the first people who personify the ideal and majestic human beauty, raise their hands to the tree of good and evil. Michelangelo, using the game of light and shade and natural turns, made their movements graceful and harmonious. Although the biblical story is a woman persuaded a man to disobey God, the artist makes Adam the main character of the frescoes, and Eve just sits at his feet. On the left side, the viewer can see a picture where people have already violated God’s warnings and committed a sin for which they were punished.

The angel who holds the sword in his hand, expels the first people and blocks their way back to heaven. Adam’s face grimaces in pain and fear, mixed with remorse. Eve, wringing her hands helplessly. She does not dare to raise her head in front of the angel, since she feels guilty and fears retribution. Now people do not seem beautiful creatures, humiliation, fear and remorse distorted their faces. To this day, a fresco depicting a human fall, adorns the arches of the famous Sistine Chapel. Due to the fact that the work of Michelangelo took place under the very ceiling of the cathedral, the artist used laconic lines in his creations, avoiding intricate curls and small details.

Description of the fresco by Michelangelo Buanarroti “The Fall and Exile from Paradise”