Description of the painting by Albrecht Durer “Hands praying”

The history of this picture is amazing. This is not just a sketch of the hands, there is something more behind this image. Albrecht Durer captured on this engraving the hands of his brother,

Description of the painting by Nicholas Ge “Messengers of the Resurrection”

Nikolai Ge loved to paint religious canvases. He also painted portraits and historical paintings. I even tried myself in the role of a sculptor and at the same time the success was quite good.

Description of the painting by Konstantin Vasilyev “Waiting”

From the creative heritage of Konstantin Vasilyev among more than 400 paintings, the painting “Expectation” is justly distinguished by its impact on the feelings of the viewer. The artwork was done in 1976. Our

Description of the painting by Victor Borisov-Musatov “Emerald Necklace”

In his “Emerald Necklace,” the artist tried to convey images of the combination of colors and the beauty of decorative elements. Young women have settled down in a green garden. Borisov-Musatov himself considered his

Description of the painting by Viktor Vasnetsov “Spring-red”

1885; watercolor; State Tretyakov Gallery. Viktor Vasnetsov, a connoisseur of Russian folklore, a lover of dramatic fairytale plots, appears in an inconvenient inconvenience. The watercolor sketch titled “Spring-Red” is not a separate work, but

Description of the painting by Ivan Argunov “Self-portrait”

Argunov Ivan Petrovich – Russian portrait painter, who came from a family of serfs, belonging to the Sheremetyev family. Fame Argunov brought his numerous works in the portrait genre. During his creative life he

Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “Hoarfrost. Sunrise”

In 1871, a boy was born who was destined to become a great Russian artist. His name – Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar. During his long life, the master painted many paintings, restored and restored time-battered

Description of the painting by Paolo Veronese “The Last Supper”

This is a huge canvas size 5.5×12.8 meters. Which carries in itself another name – “Feast in the house of Levi”. The artist gave the second name to his picture in connection with the

Description of the painting by Nathan Altman “Anna Akhmatova”

Altman – a Soviet avant-garde artist, one of those that didn’t recognize any canons, used a wild mix of genres, for the sake of the purpose – transmitting mood, sensations, events – neglecting everything

Description of the painting by Fyodor Vasilyev “In the Crimean Mountains”

The picture has a somewhat sad landscape, most likely, beginning or mid-autumn, the accent of the artist is clearly executed on the stage, which is located in the central part. We see that a
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