Description of the painting by Leonardo da Vinci “Madonna”

Numerous studies of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci indicate that a separate theme in the artist’s work was the theme of the mother and her child. Often in his paintings there are images of

Description of the painting by Alexey Venetsianov “Reapers”

The painting “Reapers” is another example confirming the significance of the image of the Russian peasant for Venetsianov. We can see similar peasants and the harvest theme in many of his other works. While

Description of the painting by Ivan Argunov “Portrait of Sheremetyevoj”

Ivan Petrovich Argunov was a serf of Count Sheremetyevo. From childhood, he showed a talent for drawing and the count gave the gifted young man to study further art. As a result, when Argunov

Description of the painting by Jacques-Louis David “Madame Recamier”

Madame Julie Recamier, the owner of a fashionable salon in Paris and a famous beauty, commissioned her portrait to renowned artist Jean Louis David. The artist in the process of writing a portrait, could

Description of the painting by Salvador Dali “Hand” (“Pangs of Conscience”)

Despite the fact that this picture is in St. Petersburg, the Russians see it is unlikely to succeed: this town “Petersburg” is located in the United States, in the state of Florida. And the

Description of the painting by Alexei Venetsianov “On arable land”

The great artist Alexei Venetsianov at the beginning of the 19th century painted a unique painting “On arable land”, which enjoys great attention from lovers of art and painting. The picture is perceived as

Description of the painting by Vincent van Gogh “Two women in the forest”

“Two Women in the Forest” refers to the early works of Van Gogh. And they can already be considered such familiar essays by the artist, who accompanied all his work. Early works are distinguished

Description of Peter Bruegel’s Census of Bethlehem (Option 2)

The well-known work, which has biblical content as a basis, was written by Peter Bruegel in the 16th century. The work shows the lifestyle of people of that time, both in everyday and in

Description of the painting by Stanislav Zhukovsky “Forest Lake”

Zhukovsky is a master of landscape, and Forest Lake is one of his quite traditional works. The painting depicts a forest lake, the surface of water bounded by distant shores. There are trees growing

Description of the painting by Ilya Glazunov “My life”

Paintings Glazunov different from other writing styles. They embody a plurality of different details of time, events that have ever happened. Pictures of Glazunov – a kind of collage, chronological passages. The painting “My
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