Description of the painting by Titian Vechelio “Flight into Egypt”
“Flight into Egypt” is considered one of the early works of the great Renaissance artist Titian, made, probably in 1507 or 1508. The work is written on an impressively sized canvas (206 x 336
Description of the painting by Titian Vecellio “Assunta” (Ascension of the Virgin Mary)
The canvas “Assunta” belongs to the collection of the early works of the Italian artist Vecellio Titian, however, it was she who greatly glorified her creator. The picture was created over three years from
Description of the painting by Titian Vechelio “Pieta”
Pieta – Mourning Christ. This artist’s creation is the deepest in feeling and thought. This work has remained unfinished. It was completed by the teachings of Titian Palma the Younger. We see a niche
Description of the painting by Veccio Titian “The young man with a glove”
The first artistic experiences of Titian associated with the creation of religious compositions. Such works as “Dinarius of Caesar”, “Position in the tomb” (both paintings were completed by the 1520s) are a vivid example.
Description of the painting by Titian Vecellio “Bacchus and Ariadne”
For the collection of the Duke of Ferrara, Titian made in 1523 a canvas based on classical myths – “Bacchus and Ariadne”. This picture was ordered to decorate the palace walls in a single
Description of the painting by Titian Vecellio “Penitent Mary Magdalene”
Tiziano Vecellio wrote his work “The Penitent Mary Magdalene” to order in the 60s of the XVI century. The model of the painting was Julia Festina, who struck the artist with a shock of
Description of the painting by Titian Vecellio “Saint Sebastian”
At the time of the early Middle Ages, the legend of Sebastian, born in the Roman city of Narbonne, was spread among the population. This young man who went to Rome after studying in
Description of the painting by Titian Vechelio “Flora”
Around the painting “Flora” by an eminent Venetian artist of the High Age or, in a different way, the late Renaissance of Titian, disputes have long ceased. Initially, the authorship of this masterpiece was
Description of the painting by Titian “Introduction of Mary to the temple”
In the creative way of Titian’s work “The Introduction of Mary to the Temple” occupies a special place. This picture links two completely different periods in the work of the painter. Another masterpiece of
Description of the painting by Titian Vecellio “Feast of Venus”
Mythological and biblical scenes occupied a significant place in the artist’s work. However, a deep insight into the questions of psychology made it possible to create surprisingly lively, realistic images. The Feast of Venus