Description of the painting by Sylvestre Shchedrin “In Sorrento”

Description of the painting by Sylvestre Shchedrin In Sorrento

This colorful landscape was made by a master in about the second half of the 1820s. When Sylvester Shchedrin was in Italy, he was so imbued with her views that in the end, he got even more ideas for writing different landscapes than he had managed to realize. Over the entire period that the master managed to spend in Sorrento, about 40 masterpieces came out from under his brush. Locals, by the way, gave him an interesting nickname – Don Silvestro. The canvas opens to the viewer the most beautiful view of the departing day, not far from the harbor of Castellamare. To be precise, this is a suburb of ancient Stabiae, which is located on the shores of the Gulf of Naples.

Beautiful evening landscape. In the background, as if moving away from the horizon, one can see a rocky hill, iridescent with beautiful ocher and greenish hues. The day is coming to an end and the sun’s rays lazily illuminate the buildings of stone, which are very bright gleam from the water surface of the warm bay. The artist chaotically arranged the fishing boats, which stand at the pier, most likely the fishermen just recently returned from the field and went home with their catch. The right flank of the canvas shows a rocky coast, which gradually turns into all the same Italian buildings made of stone and all this against the background of trees drowned in the evening light.

The sky is painted in a vivid color scheme with obviously divided color and clouds moving into the distance. Thanks to the sunset, it was painted in shades from orange to blue. All this, only once again underlines the complete serenity. In principle, the artist is already more than the pacified to landscapes and never tried to capture the storm moments or views from the storm, as for example, he loved to do Aivazovsky. And it is precisely this picture that again confirms this conclusion.

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Description of the painting by Sylvestre Shchedrin “In Sorrento”