Description of the painting by Peter Rubens “Bacchanalia”

Description of the painting by Peter Rubens Bacchanalia

As a plot for his work Rubens chose the myth of Bacchus and his constant companions. At the time of the artist there was an idea that they exist, feeling real harmony with nature.

We feel the pressure of true life in this creation. Here reigns splendor, which is too much. You can see the dynamics of the movements of all the characters. Silen was drunk. He can barely stand on his feet. With a certain effort, they try to support him with satiress. The whole picture is permeated with pleasant gold. Paints unusually hot. Rubens imposes them with free strokes of incredible breadth.

Rubens portrayed the impetuous feast dedicated to Dionysus. The artist was the first to create those same satire – female creatures with goat legs. In antiquity, they were replaced by traditional bacchantes – beauties who were drunk to madness. The Greeks often depicted this grand celebration. But in their creations you can feel a certain rhythm and true harmony. All their bodies are perfect.

The composition of the picture is asymmetric. You can feel the special wave-like all the lines. The waves rise and fall. Ideally smooth lines give way to this movement, and symmetry – asymmetry.

The artist did not idealize a person. All his characters are real. He does not embellish them. Here, for example, a very young satire. It shimmers like a fabulous pearl. The curve of her back is natural. We feel the wind blowing her hair. The black woman was specially included by Rubens in the picture. He wanted to try to write the body of a man with a new color that was not familiar to him. He coped with it really brilliantly.

There is no morale. The artist is sure that it is important to enjoy life and get everything possible from it. Catch is worth every moment. This is the main point of this great creation.

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Description of the painting by Peter Rubens “Bacchanalia”