Description of the painting by Oleg Popovich “Did not take a fishing trip”

Description of the painting by Oleg Popovich Did not take a fishing trip

OVPopovich in his works showed real household scenes. The painting “We didn’t take a fishing trip” reflects the atmosphere of that time’s life.

The modest dwelling, with sprinkled plaster and a wooden door. The house is surrounded by a fence made of branches. Chickens run around the yard, and clothes dry on the fence.

The painter very accurately conveyed the everyday situation, the modest clothes and the boy’s bare feet create impressions of want and want. The main hero of the canvas is about four years old. The boy is very upset and puffed up his lips, he may burst into tears of resentment. Although the hero shows a masculine character and holds on, he turned away so that no one could see his tears.

The older brothers went fishing, but they didn’t take him, but he prepared like that, took the bucket. Perhaps in the bucket lies the bait for fish, which he prepared in advance and now the cunning rooster wants to profit, but the boy does not notice that either.

The little sister looks at the hero and sympathizes with him, on her face empathy. The brothers are heading for the river, one brother turned around and apparently worried that everything happened this way.

The paddle in the hands of the elder brother says that fishing will be serious and on the water, perhaps because of this little boy did not take the river, because it is dangerous. Despite the tragedy of the situation, the picture is pleasant and not depressing.

The tragedy of the child seems naively cute and even funny, because in fact the situation is not tragic, but for the child this resentment seems to be large-scale.

The artist very accurately conveyed the mood of the village life, the life of an ordinary village family. In the modern life of computer technology such an insane desire to go fishing is difficult for children to understand.

The passion of village boys is based on everyday joys, life seems simple and clear, and everyday difficulties do not interfere with the entertainment of ordinary village boys.

Description of the painting by Oleg Popovich “Did not take a fishing trip”