Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti “Flood”

Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti Flood

The Flood is the very fresco with which Michelangelo Buanarotti began painting the Sistine Chapel. At first, the Italian master was not confident in his abilities and even engaged in the work of skilled frescists from Florence.

But time passed, and now Buanarotti, being not satisfied with the work of assistants, sends them back and continues painting the walls on their own. As in all his works, Michelangelo explores in the Flood the nature of man, his actions under the influence of misfortunes, disasters, catastrophes, the reaction to what is happening around. Several separate fragments are formed into a whole fresco, where the real tragedy unfolds. In the foreground, a group of people trying to escape on a tiny piece of sushi, huddled together like a flock of frightened sheep.

A man tries to postpone the impending doom for himself and his beloved, lifting her back. In despair, the child hid behind the body of the mother,

who seems to have surrendered to Destiny. The young man crawls along the trunk of a tree, hoping to escape death. On the right, another group hid a piece of canvas in a vain attempt to hide from the stream of water rushing down from heaven.

On the restless waves, a small boat is swinging, where there is a struggle for a place between sufferers who are distraught with horror. And in the distance the Ark floats, into the walls of which several people are beating, furiously seeking to be let inside and rescued from the approaching water.

The characters of the fresco behave differently: someone clings to the last chance, clawing literally on the backs of others, someone stretches his arms to help, someone wants to sacrifice the elements of his neighbor in order to stretch extra seconds. But the only question that worries everyone who disappears under water in a moment is why they should die and for what? But the sky is silent, and only continuous streams of water flow on the unfortunate land.

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Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti “Flood”