Description of the painting by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin “Apples”

Description of the painting by Kuzma Petrov Vodkin Apples

Petrov-Vodkin rightly believed that the artist should be able to transfer objects as accurately as possible. They are the original basis of any image.

The artist was sure that it was necessary to convey not a credibility, but a certain essence. You should also hone the ability to understand the relationship of objects in space. That is why he loved to depict still lifes. Petrov-Vodkin called them a sharp talk of the master with nature.

All his works are really incredibly simple. He depicts absolutely everyday items. But they are located on the canvas so that the viewer can see them from different sides. This allows them to become expressive and have a really deep meaning.

We see five apples, which are sustained in greenish-red and reddish-yellow tones. They lie on the tablecloth of a bright red color. Three fruits are depicted in the lower right corner. One is located on the lower left, and another is on the upper left. Petrov-Vodkin is a true master. He creates all sorts of combinations of angles of inclination of the plane depicted by him. Due to this, the left and right corner are completely balanced. Each apple painter shows the most complete. Before us is a real conversation between the artist and nature, about which he spoke.

The juiciness of the colors is amazing. Petrov-Vodkin skillfully combines colors. His apples are as natural and unusual as possible. It creates the full impression of their volume. It seems even a moment, and you can try this wonderful fruit.

The viewer understands why the artist found inspiration in such simple, at first glance, paintings. It is they who can most clearly demonstrate real skill.

Only after the artist has honed his skill, he will be able to create true masterpieces.

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Description of the painting by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin “Apples”