Description of the painting by Ivan Bilibin “The court in times of Russian truth”

Description of the painting by Ivan Bilibin The court in times of Russian truth

In this picture, the artist Bilibin described the legal proceedings in the times of Kievan Rus. In the picture you can see the prince sitting in his yard and judge the guilty person. The artist depicted this process very solemnly and vividly, in the smallest detail depicted the details and outfits of people who were involved in the judicial process. The artist depicted the completion of justice so solemnly to demonstrate that the main purpose of those present is to punish the guilty and restore justice.

The painting depicts a group of people, one of whom is the Grand Duke, who has the role of punishing criminals. As you can see in the image, the ruler relies on his weapon – the sword, and beside him there are his entourage, who are dressed very festively. The picture presents not only the heads of justice and the protection of order – the warriors who also take part in the judicial process.

The pictured bonfire in the Bilibin picture indicates the existence of a special procedure for identifying a criminal. This tradition was distinguished by its singularity and uniqueness, a tradition that became an integral part of the judicial system of Russia. The criminals had to pull out the iron, which was in the fire, and if they did not get burned, it means they are not guilty, otherwise – they were punished for their crimes. The well-known Russian artist Bilibin tried to convey all this atmosphere and spirit of the Russian people in his work. An artist whose works are imbued and imbued with the history of Russia are of particular value.

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Description of the painting by Ivan Bilibin “The court in times of Russian truth”