Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky “Gurzuf”

Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky Gurzuf

The romantic marina “Gurzuf”, written by Aivazovsky in 1859, is distinguished by a special color scheme: the bright azure lagoon, the clear waters that peacefully carry the fishing boat far from the coast amazes the viewer with its exceptional beauty.

Underwater landscape, skillfully written by Aivazovsky thin strip stretched in the foreground. The port town is shrouded in a light morning mist. The ship moored away climbed steeply on the shore. If you listen to the lyrics of the canvas, you can hear how the arrived sailors are noisy jostling at the coastal market, waking the sleeping city from its sleep. Digging people sitting on the shore in the background, admiring this gentle azure sunrise by the sea, how pleasant it is to look them in the blue of the distance!

Where the sky, turning pale, merges with the horizon line, huge cumulus clouds grow, climbing over each other, peacefully and carefully hanging over the mountains, as if shy to touch their low peaks. The sea and air elements of the magnificent marina Aivazovsky this time do not go into confrontation, they harmoniously coexist with each other, slightly merging in their soft halftones. Freshness and warmth blows from this beautiful seascape.

The rocky ridge of the mountain was tired of holding on to noisy Partenit, his leaning shacks were silenced in the shadow of the morning heyday. Once, the impregnable walls of the fortress stood majestically here, the towers towered around the perimeter of the city and a huge castle standing in the sky stood on the slope of Kale Poti.

The exceptional skill of the artist Aivazovsky attracts the gaze to the magnificent seascapes, makes admire the azure surface of the sea, consider the entire coastal town with its quiet charm in the smallest detail. Each viewer, looking at the picture “Gurzuf” wants to be in this magical place.

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Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky “Gurzuf”