I. Grabar was an outstanding personality even among his famous contemporaries. He drew and wrote, taught and studied himself. After the European trip, under the impression of the French Impressionists and Post-Impressionists, Grabar created a whole series of still lifes resembling impressionism in their technique. Among these still lifes one of the most famous is the “Untidy Table”.
Executed with short and thick strokes, the picture harmoniously combines all the elements of a still life into a single color whole. This is achieved thanks to the masterly reproduced color highlights.
The same technique transmitted the play of light in the space of the picture and the medium itself still life. Here, each element (object) has its own texture: dishes, glasses, glasses and glass shine, transparent glass playfully conveys rich colors through itself, and a bouquet of flowers combines tenderness with brightness. This is the performance of I. Grabar’s poetry of the surrounding man of the world. Everything is near, in our everyday situation. But in the picture the composition is not random. Here everything is thought out.
The discarded edge of the tablecloth interrupts the color scheme of the table and connects it with the environment, at the same time showing that the table had its own. And why the untidy table. Can this motive give the picture a natural look? Think about it: maybe hurry? Maybe they were in a hurry, especially since not everyone drank it. Or maybe there were hot discussions about art and painting? And it is possible.
In any case, the “Untidy Table” by I. Grabar, along with other paintings from the series of early still lifes, falls on a crucial period for the genre in Russian painting. At the beginning of the twentieth century in Russia, still life became equal with other genres. Here, of course, the merit of I. Grabar, the creator of a series of original still lifes, among which is the “Untidy Table”.
Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “Untidy table”