Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “Hoarfrost. Sunrise”

Description of the painting by Igor Grabar Hoarfrost. Sunrise

In 1871, a boy was born who was destined to become a great Russian artist. His name – Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar. During his long life, the master painted many paintings, restored and restored time-battered masterpieces, and managed to share knowledge with young talents in the course of his teaching activities. Initially, he studied law, but later chose the art craft to this profession.

Igor Emmanuilovich passionately loved nature. He had a special interest in birch, which he often depicted on his canvases. It was these trees that became the basis of the composition for the painting “Frost. Sunrise “, written in 1941. This light, fresh, sunny piece has become one of the most recognizable works of the author. The landscape was painted from life, during one of Grabar’s many trips in central Russia.

The picture bears the embodiment of Russian nature and the Russian soul. Remarkable color palette. It contains many shades of azure, which Igor Emmanuovich so liked to use when creating his paintings. “Frost. Sunrise “- a picture that is filled with light and air.

The first morning rays already penetrate between the crowns. Even a harsh winter is not an obstacle to joy and happiness.

Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “Hoarfrost. Sunrise”