One of the most outstanding and truly great impressionist painters of France, to this day is Claude Monet. He was inspired by flowers, he grew flowers, he admired flowers and of course, he drew them by itself.
Whatever periods of creativity he would have had, the only thing remained unchanged throughout his life, this is an unusually strong love for flowers. What is remarkable, mostly they were flowers that grew in the ground, whether in the garden or in the field, of course he has paintings in which flowers are painted and cut and put in a vase, but there are quite a few of them compared to with the rest of the collection.
Flowers have always been his passion unchanged. Monet believed that in this life there is nothing more beautiful in the world, except for two things, the first is of course painting, and the second is certainly gardening, and Monet rather successfully combined both.
Due to this, the world saw such beautiful canvases that are included in the albums called “Flowers in a Vase” or “Flowers and Fruits”. What can we say, Monet simply adored flowers, it can be seen even on the canvases where he depicted his family, surrounded by flowers.
Claude Monet once said that if it were not for the beautiful view of flowers, then perhaps he would not want to capture them on the canvas for the rest of his life, and then he would not have become one of the artists. Being at home, if not strange, he spent more time on gardening and only a small part of the painting, although of course this is not noticeable on his canvases and is not at all reflected.
Most likely, on the contrary, the more he was engaged in gardening, the more traced even the smallest, and, it would seem, insignificant details became. His last works, simply “breathe” his flowers, as if they were alive, apparently at this time the artist reached his peak of mastery. One has only to wonder how skillfully he could do it.
Description of the painting by Claude Monet “Flowers”