Description of the painting by Valentin Serov “Portrait of the artist Levitan”

Description of the painting by Valentin Serov Portrait of the artist Levitan

This is a well-known method, when one artist paints another. They often do this so as not to lie to each other. Or just show yourself in different genres. Levitan rarely turned to the portrait image of the work, but Serov – more often and was recognized as a master portrait. By the way, he drew a lot of portraits of his children, relatives and close friends with paints and pencils.

He did it wonderfully and even after so many years, one can only wonder how beautiful, believable and almost easily the portrait could be made by the author. In general, the art of painting can be cruel, but it can also become a flattery. May give joy and upset for life.

Serov did not particularly deceive his portrait customers, he immediately stipulated the condition of the veracity and authenticity of the person depicted on the canvas. And never this rule has not changed. Actually, some other painters followed his example. The same

Levitan, though he rarely painted portraits, tried not to lie to himself and people.

And here we have one of the works of Serov. Levitan early, by our standards, died and it can be said that this portrait was created when his fame was already at the zenith and could shine even longer, but alas, death does not spare even the famous ones.

It is worth paying attention to the tired look. But this tiredness is not from life, but probably from work, from hard work, so as not to be poor and be able to feed your family. Levitan in the portrait is still young, but the wisdom in his eyes is extraordinary. Even the pose itself was not chosen by chance – we see the artist’s hand, his long fingers. These are the hands of a true master of his craft, to whom Levitan devoted his whole life.

High forehead, thick eyebrows and thick beard – all this gives us the opportunity to more closely examine his eyes. Sadness, fatigue, wisdom and life – not a simple life “cocktail” of the painter.

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Description of the painting by Valentin Serov “Portrait of the artist Levitan”