Description of the painting by Arkhip Kuindzhi “Rainbow”

Description of the painting by Arkhip Kuindzhi Rainbow

The painting “Rainbow” – one of the most famous among the paintings Kuindzhi. The picture captures one of the most beautiful phenomena of nature – a rainbow after a heavy rain.

The landscape in the foreground is stingy and monotonous: the endless steppe stretches under the bright blue sky. There are neither high spreading trees, nor a dense bush, only an endless field. The grass of the piercing green color is the recent rain, the meaning of dust and dirt from it, all the colors have become sharp and clear. On the hill a little distance away the grass had already turned yellow in the sunlight – most likely, it was already the end of summer. A narrow road is laid in the middle of the steppe. The road is a little blurred after heavy rain. In the distance, just above the horizon, low-hanging dark thunderstorm clouds and stripes of rain are still visible.

In the blue sky, which has not yet departed from the shower, a color arc extends from edge to edge above the horizon. A rainbow looks like a light brushstroke of an artist painted from sunlight. From the rainbow comes a bright, gentle glow. It is this glow that illuminates the steppe washed with rain. The sky above the rainbow is written by the artist in such a way that a full feeling of multi-layered light clouds is created, the whole depth and infinity of the heavenly space is transmitted.

With the help of well-arranged color shades, the viewer literally feels this landscape around him. The viewer inhales the fresh smell of the earth after the rain, feels a light cool wind. The sight of a bright, glowing rainbow gives a feeling of joy and admiration. Heavenly light falling on a rainbow gives hope for the best and faith in a bright future. Light colors and bright strokes in the picture create a feeling of idleness and splendor, delight.

The picture is made in the style of realism with shades of decoration. This is expressed in overly bright shades that are not found in nature.

Description of the painting by Arkhip Kuindzhi “Rainbow”