Description of the painting by Nicholas Roerich “Snow Maiden”

N. Roerich often made sketches for various productions, which were successfully held not only in Russia, but also abroad. The artist approached the creation of scenery very responsibly and worked on each drawing for

Description of the painting by Constantine Flavitsky “Christian Martyrs in the Colosseum”

The picture is painted in oil on canvas in 1862. Genre – historical. Flavitsky Konstantin Dmitrievich is a Russian artist of the mid-19th century. He lived only 36 years, but in his small creative

Description of the painting by Alexander Kiselev “Entry into the village” (1891)

The canvas is a landscape, written in the mature period of the master. It is sufficiently familiar to realistic painting traditions, characterized by a lack of sophistication and individuality, and this was at the

Description of the painting by Konstantin Somov “Winter. Rink”

This canvas is one of the most popular and recognizable. Reproduction can be found on the pages of books, New Year cards, souvenirs. Such interest in the picture is not without reason. The landscape

Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Mill in the field”

A surprisingly thin picture, the canvas of Shishkin himself, who much later will write “Bears in a Pine Forest”, “Rye”, “Dubrava” and many other quite famous canvases. This canvas is among the first. And

Description of the painting by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi “Sea. Crimea”

The period of creating the painting “Sea. Crimea “by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi falls in 1898. Creativity of the artist recalls the style of marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky. Love for the sea breeze and waves,

Description of the painting by Pablo Picasso “Woman in the chair I”

1948 Like most of the paintings of the famous Spanish artist, this one is written in the style of cubism. However, it is worth noting that fragmentation into geometric shapes is not so traced

Description of the painting by Claude Lorrain “Morning”

A 17th-century painting by Claude Lorrain, a French artist, reproduces on the canvas a biblical story about the meeting of Jacob with Rachel with his future love for many years. Creation date – 1666

Description of the painting by Pierre Auguste Renoir “Portrait of the actress Jeanne Samary”

The first of the main representatives of the Impressionists, who became a master of a secular portrait and gained popularity among rich Parisians. Using the contrasting play of light and shade, which made the

Description of the Soviet poster “mercilessly crush and destroy the enemy!”

The Great Patriotic War greatly influenced the poster art on the territory of the Soviet Union. Naturally, the main theme then was the opposition to the enemy in the face of the hated Nazi
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