Description of the painting by Alexander Gerasimov “Gifts of Autumn”

Description of the painting by Alexander Gerasimov Gifts of Autumn

The painting “Gifts of Autumn” by Alexander Gerasimov is a typical classic still life. As you know, one of the most popular elements of a still life is a bouquet by the window. The window contributes to the transfer of unusual lighting and interesting game of light and shade. If a bouquet, as in this picture, stands in a transparent jar or vase, the viewer has the opportunity to observe the refraction of light through the prism of glass. Gerasimov not the first time resorted to such a composition, but this picture was especially successful for him. On the table are visible fruits that are characteristic for this time of year. Judging by not catchy, the artist did not prepare them specifically, but simply took what was at hand.

In the foreground are two half-emptied sunflowers. This adds a touch of intrigue to the composition, since the viewer himself has to guess whether the birds ate the seeds or, while the instruments were

being prepared for the composition, someone from the family got their livelihood. Gerasimov very successfully uses the contrast in the flowers of the sunflower, which have always been a symbol of the wealth of nature. The only single element of the composition is a mushroom. How did he get on the picture? Perhaps he just accidentally grew on the threshold, and the author decided to add it to the still life. To the left of the sunflower flowers depicts a bowl with green apples.

A bouquet of rowan towers above all this – the main semantic and color accent of the picture, the dominant feature of this still life. The scarlet branches are so heavy that they are bent under the weight of the fruits. The bouquet is so big that it obstructs the window, thereby becoming the center of the composition and, thanks to it, sets the tone for it. The whole picture is shaded by a deep red tint, thanks to which the usual elements appear in a new light – the usual autumn gifts look gorgeous, like the true treasures of nature.

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Description of the painting by Alexander Gerasimov “Gifts of Autumn”