Fedotov Pavel
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “Walk”
The famous painter of the nineteenth century, the ancestor of critical realism, Pavel Andreevich Fedotov was fond of drawing from early childhood, but did not consider his passion to be a talent, did not
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “Anchor, still Anchor”
In 1851-1852, the famous Russian artist Fedotov painted the last picture he completed to the end, entitled “Anchor, Another, Anchor”. The picture is not quite clear and seemed vague, the same as the soldier’s
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “Legible Bride”
Pavel Andreevich Fedotov painted the canvas “Legible Bride” in 1847. The canvas tells the viewer a whole plot. This contributes to the deliberately stiff atmosphere of the room, the unnaturally emotional expressions of the
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “Self-portrait”
It is known that the great Russian artist, Pavel Fedotov, has many works that have become masterpieces in which he painted himself. Each self-portrait of Fedotov is different from the other, because on one
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “The widow”
The picture “The widow” written by Fedotov has a very interesting story of writing, a plot different from other works of the master and as many as 4 variants that have come down to
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “Fresh Chevalier”
The painting was painted in 1846. This canvas is PA Fedotov “Fresh Chevalier” transmits to the viewer an episode from the life of an official. The official received his first award – the Order
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “Breakfast on the table” (Breakfast of the aristocrat)
The fame of the Russian artist Pavel Fedotov brought many of the most beautiful paintings, then only one of them, under the quite common name “Breakfast on the table” best conveys all the skill
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “Players”
The painting of Pavel Fedotov is very peculiar. So, in the film “The Players”, the author tries to portray what is happening, with the glance of the hero who lost, and his partners became
Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “Matchmaking Major”
The painting “Major Matchmaking” is the most famous painting by Russian artist Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. Its plot is closely related to the real stories of the time. Often impoverished nobles sought to marry the