Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh “Dance Hall”

Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh Dance Hall

The representative of the post-impressionism, the artist departs from the concept of instantaneous transfer of the sensual – emotional picture of the world. He is trying to convey the deep – philosophical meaning of being. Small details, the rules of the physiological structure of the body and the central figures of the composition become unnecessary.

The transfer of information to the foreground with the help of color spots with a symbol of figures and faces. The main meaning is now the color and overall fullness of the picture.

The “dance hall” fully complies with these concepts. The color spots inside the clear outline resemble stained glass. A large crowd of people in a small area should radiate fun. After all, all the visitors to the hall came for him.

However, from the picture emanates melancholy and uncertainty. It creates a feeling of being lost in a faceless mass of people like him. Bright colors of dresses sound a sharp dissonance with the melancholy and lost expression of the lady in a yellow hat.

There is not a single clearly defined person, and visitors appear to be an average crowd with herd instincts. This is emphasized by the color similarity of outfits and accessories. And the farther into the depths of the hall look, the more people lose their human appearance, turning into a random set of colored blots.

The brightness and festivity of the paintings are a cover for human sadness and loneliness, the inability to find a soul mate among a huge number of people. Everyone does not care about who is near and only the tinsel of the holiday hides this fact.

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Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh “Dance Hall”