Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh “Bridges over the Seine”

Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh Bridges over the Seine

Van Gogh finished work on this picture in 1887. On it, he depicted the river of the Seine by his beloved. When he was in Paris, he always came to the river, admiring its scenery. He was very fond of bridges passing through this picturesque river.

They betrayed the artist inspiration, pushed for further work. When he painted a picture from life, he paid attention not to the composition of bridges, like a structure across the river, but as a creative episode, a game of unusual paints that were poured in different shades on the sun.

This picture is written in bright, rich tones that create joy, the energy of admiration for nature, the play of the sun. Everything else is lost in the sun, which extends into houses, bridges, the sky. The sun occupies the main role in the picture, it occupies the whole idea, conveys the depth of the picture.

Everything else remains as if in the shade, but it does not disappear in the shade of the sun, but, on the contrary, reflects all objects. Bridges, water, bricks – everything is depicted in fiery color. At the same time the picture is filled with more light, it looks more sunny.

The paints used by the artist give mood, optimism, hope, faith, cheerfulness. Van Gogh boils in life, he is irrepressible, in perpetual motion. He perceives all objects as an observation, a vital phenomenon. The artist in his picture does not describe as such the process of sunset, he describes the sun in general, in its entirety. He is trying to convey the sun’s rays scattered on the canvas. These rays come from no one and where they lead. They are here, they live in this picture, they are here, they are gathering over all objects and absorb the whole picture. This artist loves life in all, in all its abundance, this abundance can be seen in his works. The main feature of the artist, the nature of his work – life, hope, movement, joy, abundance. These feelings extend throughout his work in general, and in this work in particular.

Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh “Bridges over the Seine”