Description of the painting by Timothy Neff “Dream”

Description of the painting by Timothy Neff Dream

The famous artist Neff presented to the world the subtle beauty of the young ladies of that era, who demonstrated and posed for the artist. Genre theme Neff – images of beauties. If you consider his work, you can find a lot of work, which adorn the beautiful and young girls. However, the work “Dreaming” has a special place in art.

Pictured beautiful girl in the picture thinks about the light, and in her eyes you can see the reverie. The picture is written in bright and very warm colors, for example, if you look at the picture, you can see the colors of the sunset, which correspond to the sunset. It is during this period, a person gets the opportunity to think and dream. The girl who is depicted in the picture seems to the viewer to be tender and fragile, because she may be someone’s unfulfilled dream. The very image of a beautiful girl is romantic and dreamy – a dress with interesting sleeves fits her dreams. It is in this picture, the artist portrayed a young girl who remained herself and dreamed of those things that she would be ashamed to say out loud. However, dreams and dreams are completely pure and clear, because it can be seen on the expression of her face.

For the artist, the image of the young lady and her thoughts are an integral part. The creative process of the artist. Neff himself while working on this picture dreamed of finding out about the real dreams of the model, her hidden desires. Neff had the opportunity to be present in this process and become an integral part of the dream of a beautiful and elegant young lady.

The renowned artist, in his work, tried to convey to the viewer that beauty is not only external, but also internal. A person, in fact, does not know how happy he is at the moment of dreaming, and if you make an effort, you can achieve your dream.

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Description of the painting by Timothy Neff “Dream”