The painting “Spring” was written by Svyatoslav Roerich in 1961. When you first look at the canvas you can see that the color of the image is not peculiar to the Russian land, it is an Indian colorful color. The artist lived for some time in India, so he was keenly interested in the culture of this country and among his paintings there are many things devoted to Indian themes.
The background of the picture is very bright and dynamic, this is the nature of India in the springtime. And the people depicted on the canvas personify the spring awakening of the senses, the renewal of the soul and body. In the right corner – a pair of black goats, clearly interested in each other.
In the center is an Indian woman, dressed in a bright purple sari and holding beautiful flowers in her hands. Behind her, a light-colored dog runs on its heels, turning with disbelief back at the man. The woman knows that the man is looking at her and fascinated. She smiles a mysterious and alluring smile. A man who gazes at a woman with a passionate gaze does not hold, and strive to come closer. The canvas depicts two types of movement – a woman goes smoothly, she is slow and neat. The man after her rushes quickly, jerk.
On the canvas, the artist depicts true genuine feelings – love and happiness. Roerich wants to show real life, such as it really is. He holds an almost invisible thread between the spring nature and the human soul.
The landscape in the background is very bright: pink and orange fields, bright treetops and grass, bright blue-yellow sky and mountains. Nature personifies the spring riot of feelings, awakened desire, love. But at the same time the landscape is not the main thing in the picture, it is just a connecting link between man and nature. The creation of Svyatoslav Roerich is very lively, he makes it clear that spring is a time of love, a time of happiness.
Description of the painting by Svyatoslav Roerich “Spring”