Description of the painting by Paul Cezanne “Still Life with Oranges”

Description of the painting by Paul Cezanne Still Life with Oranges

This famous work of Cezanne won the heart of more than one viewer. The symphonic depth of the still life in combination with subtle mastery detailing the most everyday items (tablecloths for the table, kitchenware, fruit and carpet) is striking in its beauty.

Contemporaries who watched the creation of this masterpiece said that Cezanne, with extraordinary zeal, laid out the elements of the composition. He shifted everything many times, changed places, rearranged and moved, fruits, tablecloths, dishes until each of them was in the right place. Special harmony of the image gives a detailed combination of color composition.

So the patterned carpet forms a beautiful background, not bright and dark, which perfectly contrasts with the main elements of the composition. Such a background makes them come to the fore, to be evident to the viewer. Jug, painted with floral patterns, combines individual elements of a still life: a tablecloth and fruit. It echoes juicy bright oranges and red apples and at the same time harmonizes with a white tablecloth.

The cloth itself due to the game of folds and contrast with the carpet as if comes to life and represents a separate drapery element. All fruits are arranged so that there is a visible contrast between red apples, yellow apples and orange oranges. At the same time in the still life there are no two identical shades of fruit, located next to each other.

Bright fruit flashes smoothly harmonize with the patterns of the carpet – yellowish in places, red in places, and somewhere a bit orange. In this case, the carpet is in harmony with the wooden surface of a large table, as well as a piece of the wall.

Description of the painting by Paul Cezanne “Still Life with Oranges”