Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky “Sea Strait with a lighthouse”

Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky Sea Strait with a lighthouse

His work “Sea Strait with a lighthouse” author I. Aivazovsky finished in 1841. Like all other seascapes of this artist, it is distinguished by its color range and technique of execution. Small boats, sailboats and ships are scattered across the calm sea. Heavy high Crimean mountains, envelops a thick fog, closing them from the viewer’s eye.

Most of his seascapes (and there are more than 6000 thousand of them), the author created precisely on the Crimean coast. It is distinguished by its picturesque, combination of rocky shores with sea depths. So in this work, the author tried to convey the beauty of the Crimean nature, its power and strength.

Against the background of heavy rocky cliffs, the boats look quite like feathers or swallows, smoothly gliding along the sea reflection. Looking at the picture, there is a squeak of gulls and the sound of the sea surf, beating on the lighthouse and ships. As the boats float forward, so the thoughts of the viewer float to a state of peace and harmony. Balanced light colors relax and lull. The spectator just wants to stay on the shore, and enjoy at least a little on this warm sea day.

The weather on the landscapes is calm, even, nothing foretells trouble or storms. Evening. The sun has already set behind the rocks, there is only a pink soft sunset, illuminating the sky and clouds, reflected in the blue of the Black Sea. Sailors are returning home, carrying deserved prey from fishing.

Another important piece of work is the lighthouse. A dark inconspicuous turret towers near the shore and points all the ships to the house. Aivazovsky symbolizes the lighthouse with tranquility. All hope of the sailor rests with him, he saves him from certain death in the depths of the sea, announces the direction, warns about the shoals. The lighthouse is certainly a symbol of the coast and home, warmth and family.

Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky “Sea Strait with a lighthouse”