Description of the painting by Efim Volkov “Early snow”
Nature has not yet moved away from autumnal bad weather, has not even calmed down from the winds and rains, as another attack came – the first and even early snow. He will not stay here for a long time, it is still certain that it will rain, and there will still be plenty of dirt on the road and on the bridge. But now he lay down on the ground and covered his fluffy and not so long blanket.
This nature will not get worse; at least it will know what it is preparing for in winter. After all, as a rule, it is the first snow that sets the tone for the whole winter. This beauty was depicted by the artist and gave us pleasure in admiring the Russian nature. Surprisingly soft colors of the canvas conquer with their vitality.
It seems that this is not a picture, but a real photo. And only upon closer examination you can see brush strokes, strokes with a pencil. The distant forest is depicted as something vague, with barely visible dark strokes. But the nearest shrubs near the stream are painted in darker colors.
In Russia, the harshest winter. True, this is not so often. Sometimes it can be cold in winter, but not snowy. But it is quite the opposite – it is not cold and not hot, but there is a lot of snow and it does not melt right away, but slowly melts.
There is a certain amount of danger in this, because you do not know exactly under which snow nest a hole or a groove is hidden. And on the ice at such a time it is better not to go at all, you will fall through, get wet and catch a cold. This is if they save you, and if not, then being a drowned person is not the best prospect. Snow Russia is amazing views and they are not at all the same, but they are different and beautiful in their own way.
To see everything, you just need to go out of the city and walk along the beaten path in the forest and look around. We can say with confidence that there will be plenty of impressions from such a journey. That’s it about this pristine beauty and this canvas tells us.
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