Description of the painting by Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov “Early Snow”
Beautiful, whole, inspired landscape, painted by the artist in oil on canvas. The nature of the landscape is the river Oka. Just in that year, when the picture was painted, the snow fell quite early, in September. It was very unexpected both for people and for nature, therefore it left a very strong emotional imprint. The author took advantage of this. He showed all the absurdity and at the same time the beauty of the resulting picture of nature.
The foreground of the landscape depicts shrubs and small trees that have not yet had time to shed their beautiful autumn foliage, but have already found themselves under cover of snow drifts. The artist very carefully painted small details: leaves of trees, grass stalks and shrub trunks, soft uneven snow cover. A river is visible in the distance, which is still just covered with a light haze of ice and snow. But not frozen. The upper part of the picture depicts a low hanging gloomy autumn-winter sky covered with gray clouds. The horizon line is shown in blue.
The color palette of the painting includes the following shades: yellow, orange, light and dark brown, black and white. In general, the landscape is not bright and catchy, but on the contrary, it is peaceful and clean, calm. But at the same time, it is obvious that the emphasis was placed on white snow, which the overall background of the picture is very adorable, enlivens and complements.
The overall impression of the picture is very realistic. It seems as if you feel this light frosty air, filled with the first winter freshness and mixed with the warm coolness of autumn. I want to touch the snow with my hand, so naturally the artist managed to portray it. Looking at this landscape, in my head the same pictures from real life emerge that each person observes in the offseason. Only depicted on the canvas, this landscape seems much more beautiful, deep and picturesque.

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