Description of the painting by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi “Sea. Crimea”

Description of the painting by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi Sea. Crimea

The period of creating the painting “Sea. Crimea “by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi falls in 1898. Creativity of the artist recalls the style of marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky. Love for the sea breeze and waves, landscapes that are surrounded by blue flowers of joy and happiness. The author seeks to study the airspace, as an element of art, to do its “answers” to the effects of light rays. Arkhip Ivanovich discovers the coloring of the properties of the airspace, studies the pulsation of intangible air.

The secret of the artist was the creation in actual nature, its own equally bright and amazing. Kuindzhi’s talent included a keen coloristic vision: a subtle sense of the gradation of light horizons, giving his masterpieces unique beauty.

The landscape painter singled out the marine theme as one of the most difficult areas in the world of painting. Kuindzhi used diligence in order not to scare away the waves of the sea, but was not completely satisfied with his creations. The conclusion is his long stay on the seashore of the Crimea – the creation of dozens of sketches of the seascape. The compositions included smooth strokes of emerging waves that tend to the viewers of the audience. Sketches of the sea Kuindzhi imbued with a sense of spaciousness, the air is visible, which is identified with the idea of ​​impression.

Kuinji’s criticism of creativity is many-sided, but the opinion is mostly common – the artist who loves the sea is more than his life and feelings. Willingness to create an individual world near the sea is the main task of Arkhip Ivanovich, he is obsessed with minutes of free blue waves. The soul unites, and the long union of the artist with the sea turns out. These moments impressed many real-time art critics and left a deep imprint of peace in the soul.

Description of the painting by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi “Sea. Crimea”