Description of the painting by Arkady Plastov “Haymaking”

Description of the painting by Arkady Plastov Haymaking

Plastova’s painting “Senokos” was written in the summer of 1945 and was first exhibited at the post-war All-Union Exhibition of 1946 in the Tretyakov Gallery. It was exactly the work that inspired the people, was just necessary.

And although the war was a hardship for the whole country, and its consequences were felt for many more years, even then everything around us rose from the ruins and returned to peaceful everyday life, which was depicted in the picture. Although the drama of this picture is the absence of strong men, most of whom were killed or maimed during the war.

Summer. Labor time for each resident of the village. Everyone is ready to do his job: both teenagers, women and old people. There is no time to be idle – if you do not complete the work on time, you can pay with a crop on which all winter depends. And what do we see around? Bright, generous meadow flowers of all colors and

shades festively rise in the green of the grass! Everything lives and thrives! And what graceful white-trunked birch we see in the foreground!

Everything looks so natural that we feel this sweet smell of flowers and herbs, and this buzz of insects, birds singing and the quiet rustle of leaves. And in all this riot of colors the inhabitants of the collective farm work: a thin guy who works with his scythe quickly and actively; a woman who mows confidently and calmly; old people who do not fuss at all, but work no worse than the young. As it should be, everyone works for glory, starting to work with zeal and enthusiasm. And in the distance, the landscape is cool and serene, but still bright as in summer.

Plastov is delighted in this picture by his winning people, who love work and are capable of anything for their homeland, and, of course, such a beloved, native land. Every element of the drawing is filled with love and this delight, and they are literally transmitted to every viewer.

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Description of the painting by Arkady Plastov “Haymaking”