Description of the painting by Alexei Venetsianov “Peasant with cornflowers”

Description of the painting by Alexei Venetsianov Peasant with cornflowers

Amazing simplicity portrait of a peasant woman. Venetsianov, like no one else, skillfully conveyed on his canvases the true beauty of a Russian woman. Simple Russian girl who is busy with cornflowers. You can not say that life spoiled her. Simple peasant clothes, a headscarf and hands, real labor hands. After all, women worked on equal terms with men and endured all the hard work both at home and in the field.

We see the sad and tired look of a young peasant, and one can only guess what she was thinking about. But obviously not about the bad… Maybe it was pleasantly remembered, and maybe that is sad.

But there is another mystery: how did Venetsianov manage to find such bright types? Indeed, at that time, not everyone could agree to pose. For some reason, it was considered a sin to pose for the artist. It was even a belief: draw – die. And this belief often came true. And the artist himself often depicted precisely Russian beauties. The secret is simple: they were serf beauties, so the master would be ordered by them and they did. This and took advantage of Venetianov for his work. certainly not so deceitful, but still…

But how well the artist owned the brush. Against a dark background, he portrayed a girl, and her white clothes seemed to highlight her face and therefore, it seems that she is like a sad angel. And the apron on it is clean, but the cornflowers are muffled, not very conspicuous. But how well drawn the face: hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes and a little sly smiling mouth. Still, probably in life a girl is frisky and quick-witted. Yes, and probably no time to mourn.

It was only the artist who did it – suddenly sadness erupted. This can be called luck for the artist, he did not have to invent a pose or frankly lie to future visitors of the exhibition. Everything in this portrait is not ostentatious, everything is real.

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Description of the painting by Alexei Venetsianov “Peasant with cornflowers”